Ella Greene-Moton

Administrator, Community Based Organization Partners

Ella Greene-Moton has an extensive background in community organizing, advocacy, and community/academic partnership building that spans over nearly years in the Flint area. Her commitment to advocate for community engagement and empowerment for community residents is shown through the numerous positions and/or affiliations held on local, state, national, and international levels. Ella currently serves as the Community Liaison at the Center for Public Health and Community Genomics – SPH, U of M Ann Arbor; the Administrator for the Community Based Organization Partners (CBOP) Community Ethics Review Board (CERB); and Community Director, Methodology Core – Flint Center for Health Equity Solutions (FCHES).

In addition, to serving as a “Bridge” for the discussions and collaborating interactions between engaged academic institutions and the communities they serve, she serves as an Independent Community-Academic Consultant working with partnerships engaged in Community Based Public Health (CBPH) and Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR). She has played significant roles in establishing and/or coordinating community education opportunities by identifying potential community collaborators/partners and facilitating the local community planning discussions between the academic team and community participants. Her passion for this work is fueled by a dedication to reduce and/or eliminate health disparities and ensure health equity for underserved communities.